Apr 11, 2021

Theft liable to hadd(sec4& 5 hadood laws)

دو قسم کی چوری

د فعہ ۔4                                              چوری یا تو چوری مستوجب حد یا چوری مستوجب تعزیر ہو سکتی ہے۔

Section : 4              Two kinds of theft: Theft may be either theft liable to 'hadd'  or theft liable to 'tazir'.

چوری مستوجب حد

دفعہ ۔ 5                             جو کویِ بالغ ہوتے ہوے خفیہ طریقے سے کسی " حرز  " سے  املاک  کی چوری کرتا ہے ج      کی مالیت نصاب یا اس سے زاید ہو شرط یہ ہے کہ وہ چوری کی گیئ املا ک نہ ہو۔                                         

Section: 5            Theft liable to hadd: Whoever, being an adult, surreptitiously commits, from any 'hirz' theft of property of the value of the 'nisab' or more not being stolen property, knowing that it is or is likely to be of the value of the 'nisab' or more is, subject to the provisions of Ordinance (vi of 1979) Enforcement of Hudood, said to commit theft liable to 'hadd'.

Explanation 1 : In this section "stolen property" does not include property which has been criminally misappropriated or in respect of which criminal breach of trust has been committed.

Explanation 2 :  In this section, "surreptitiously" means that the person committing the theft commits' such theft believing that the victim of theft does not know of his action. For surreptitious removal of property it is necessary that, if it is day-time, which includes one hour before sunrise and two hours after sunset, surreption should continue till the completion of the offence and , if it is night, surreption need not continue after commencement of the offence.

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